My Journey with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

"On the girl's brown legs there were many small white scars. I was thinking, do those scars cover the whole of you, like the stars and the moons on your dress? I thought that would be pretty too, and I ask you right here please to agree with me that a scar is never ugly. That is what the scar makers want us to think. But you and I, we must make an agreement to defy them. We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived."

- Little Bee by Chris Cleave

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Little Update and Some Surgery Talk

I know it's been a while since I've filled everyone in, it's been a busy past couple of weeks. I thought I should get a quick update in before I have surgery.

My left hip (operative side) is pretty much the same, still popping out (the reason I'm having surgery) and still causing me pain. I guess that's a good thing since I'm getting it operated on this Wednesday. My right hip (June operation) is so much better than it was a year ago, and I can't wait until I can say the same about the left side. However, my right hip has started some new issues. I'm having more joint related pain, most likely due to minor subluxations in that hip. But, it doesn't cause constant pain and it seems to be subsiding from what it was a few weeks ago so that's good news. I'm still much much better than I was a year ago, even two and three years ago so I'm not complaining.

Well now that we have the hips out of the way...
I've been having more lower back pain (SI joint area). It's most likely due to the increased subluxations of my right hip. I've had SI joint pain off and on way before I knew I was diagnosed with EDS. It was always just on my left side, now it's on the right side too. There isn't much I can do before I have surgery, so I've been using the heating pad as much as I can, which gives me some relief. I'm kind of getting used to the back pain, which makes it seem not as bad. I'm hoping that I'll get some relief once my left side is operated on because I'm sure the fixed hip v. the not fixed hip isn't helping the situation.

I go in for surgery tomorrow, which I'm completely ready for. I'm ready to get it over with and I'm ready to have a working hip. The hospital will call sometime this afternoon with the time that I need to be at the hospital, most likely bright and early. The surgery is the same on I had this past June, just on the other side (left) and it's a combined surgery as opposed to the separate scope and Z-Plasty (lengthening IT Band) surgery. Overall, it will make my recovery faster, but I'm expecting to feel not as well for a little longer than I was in the summer since it will be more extensive surgery all at once. My surgeon will go in with the scope first to check things out, fix any tears and tighten my hip capsuel and any other surrounding ligaments that need tightened. Then he'll open my hip up laterally and lengthen my IT Band with the Z-Plasty technique. (see past blog post on Z-Plasty)

I'll update as soon as I can after surgery, probably tomorrow night.

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